Kamusta👋️, I'm
Edriech Balajadia
A computer science student from UST. I'm passionate about learning new technologies which I can use to give value to those around me.
poging estudyante
employee management system
Employee Management System
Full-stack CRUD web app with REST API (Spring Boot, React, and MySQL).
nom recipes
Recipes app and website prototype (Figma).
record list app
Records List
Display, add, delete and save records (AWT and Swing).
atari asteroids clone game
Atari Asteroids Clone
Multidirectional shooter arcade game (JavaFX).
Student Dashboard
Developed and deployed using real-world tools (Spring Boot, React, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, and Slack) Soon...
Ecommerce Bookstore
Practiced test-driven development and continuos integration tools (Spring Boot, React, TravisCI, Swagger, MaterialUI, Redux, and JWT) Soon...
“A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials”
Get in touch.
I would be glad to further discuss my experiences with you, simply send me an email or message me on LinkedIn! 😄️
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